
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Instant Coffee

In what turned out to be some sort of sick twist of fate, or the universe playing a cruel trick, the last cup of coffee I had in the beautiful country was INSTANT!!! Who serves instant and calls it coffee? What kind of sicko does that? I think this is just one way the Brits try to stick it to us. They just haven't gotten over the fact that we won the war. For crying out loud, it's been over 200 years! It's time for them to move on! 

On to Amsterdam. Hmmm... I did a miserable job of completing my goals in England. what should I try to complete in the Netherlands? Remember— this is a family friendly show. My only goal right now is to not get lost, and to keep hold of my possessions and kid. I think that's a worthy goal. 

I never even found the Ecuadorean embassy, but I did find the San Salvador one. it was in the most unassuming home. I walked past it a few times in disbelief because it looked like every other home on the block, except for the flag waving outside.

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