
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Diana's Going on a Trip April 16, 2012

Hello friends and family,

I had so much fun taking you to London with me so I've decided to take you along for my next adventure.  For those who didn't come with me last time, I thought it would be more fun to have you along for this one.  Many of you may not know that Bob and I are heading off to the City by the Bay, the City that Knows How, The Paris of the West, Frisco, or as I like to call it, San Fran.  That's right, we are headed west to San Francisco. This time we are going for one week and we are leaving the kids at home!

Some of you may be thinking, Why?  Why San Francisco?  Well I've always wanted to go there, ever since I was a young girl and watched Karl Mulden and Mike Douglas get the bad guys on the Streets of San Francisco.  Yep, that had me hooked.  Person after person says to me, "San Francisco is my favorite city."  Everyone can't be wrong.  I'm hoping to make it one of my favorites too.

We are not doing a home exchange this time.  Instead we are renting a room from a man named Geo.  He lives in "The Castro".  That's the name of one of the areas of the city.  The children will be home.  Feel free to stop by and check on them, day or night, rain or snow.  Surprise them, see what they're feeding Hannah and Matthew.  Make sure the dog is still alive.  Call the police in the event there is a party.  Ha Ha.  Just kidding (well, not about calling the police about the party).  We have them all taken care of and there is no need to worry about them.  I know you were worried.

I have a short list of goals I hope to achieve in the short time I'm there:

#1 Hang off the back of a trolley singing, "Rice a Roni, the San Francisco Treat"
#2 Go to Chinatown and learn Mandarin (after all, I'll be there for a whole week)
#3 Escape from Alcatraz
#4 Save a jumper on the Golden Gate Bridge

We've been watching the weather and the time. Unlike the weather, which actually changes, no matter when I check they are always, always three hours behind us.  The weather has been chilly- highs in the mid 60's and lows in the mid 50's.  Time to go finish packing my warm clothes.  

See you there,

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