One of the great things about the UK is that so many museums are free. Last time I went to Soane Museum, which was not free, but I don't want to go there again, anyway. Instead I'm going to take Hannah to see the Hunterian Museum . Unfortunately no photos are allowed, but we can make drawings. Oh, and they sell postcards. So what's the deal with this museum? Why is it so special?
It's full of body parts. I'm not sure how I'm going to get Hannah to go. I mentioned it to her; it went something like this:
Me: Hannah, would you be interested in going to a museum that has bones and stuff like that?
Hannah: No, not really.
Me: Why not? It could be really interesting.
Hannah: I don't know, I'm not really interested in dinosaur bones.
Me: Oooooh, no, not dinosaur bones; human bones and other body parts.
Hannah: (see photo below)
I told her that she could choose where we would go for lunch afterwards.
I have learned that York is where Guy Fawke's grew up. This is that guy who attempted to blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605. There is actually a Guy Fawkes Inn that claims it is Built on the Spot Where the Notorious Plotter was Born! It's not far from where we are staying, and the menu looks really, really good, but I don't imagine Hannah will be all that into it. I might be able to get her to a museum to see body parts, but I'm not sure any amount of begging, bribing, and/or cajoling will get her to eat Belly Pork with Black Pudding and Chili Jam.
This is too funny! What kid wouldn't want to see bones? Seriously! Sometimes she is just way to logical for her age. Got to love her and that look on her face.